Billy Connolly is without doubt one of the most successful comedians to have graced the stage. Over the course of his career he has found humour in the everyday and been able to capture and recount it to audiences in his pitch-perfect stand up shows. Something I admire greatly and am in awe of as I struggle to grind out just four pages of mildly entertaining optician’s newsletter.
‘Windswept & Interesting’ is Billy’s story in his own words. It’s a tale of success against all the odds and in-between the banana boots and the joys of dancing naked there are some life affirming lessons.
Take the book title to start. Windswept & Interesting. He has a bit about it not being difficult to become windswept and interesting, you just have to BE it. Then people will notice that you are. He points out that W & I’s love style… but abhor fashion. And comments how freeing it is to no longer feel obliged to behave with even a smidge of decorum.

This really resonated with me. The breaking down of social norms, the ability to be yourself without having to conform to someone else’s idea of what should be. I often hear comments like ‘I’m too old to wear a frame like that’ or ‘my friend would love these, but I could never wear that’, but I would encourage you to look outside of your comfort zone and to be bold with your choice of eyewear. To try a frame that you would never have picked yourself, but once on suits your unique sense of style and personality. After all, our glasses sit front and centre, in the middle of our face for the whole world to see.
Many of you reading this have already made the step away from tradition into a new and exciting style. You are part of the club. Like the Windswept and Interesting’s you will be recognised by other eyewear aficionados and strangers will stop you to comment on your glasses.
If you haven’t had the pleasure of a complete stranger staring at you as go about your every day life, perhaps it’s time to make your glasses a little bit more windswept and interesting?